This mandatory insurance expands social security protection to Omani workers in all sectors across the GCC, covering them under the civil pension/social security laws of their host countries.
All individuals, regardless of their sector (government, private, or military), are eligible for this insurance.
The program covers all types of employment contracts, including temporary, part-time, and those with daily, piece-rate, or commission-based pay. It also includes volunteers, retirees, and individuals in training programs registered with the pension authority in the host country.
Registration Requirements:
1.Must be an Omani national.
2.Must be employed by an entity subject to the insurance systems of the host country.
3.Must have at least 15 years of employment and be below the retirement age at the time of initial registration.
Registration Rules:
1.Retroactive registration is not allowed for periods exceeding (12) twelve months from the date the employer submits the registration request in the country of employment. This is in accordance with Article 48 of the Social Protection Law, which states that “the employer or the insured person may not submit a registration request for periods of service exceeding one year prior to the date of submission of the request.”
2.Dual registration (i.e., registering for two different jobs) is permitted.
3.Under the provisions of the current applicable regulations, an insured person registered under the unified social security system is allowed to have multiple contracts, a provision that was not previously permitted.
4.Retroactive salary adjustments are not allowed ,according to Article 2 of the Executive Regulations of the Social Protection Law, “the employer is obligated to notify the concerned authority of any change in the date of joining or leaving the job, or any other amendments that may affect the value of what the insured person or his beneficiaries are entitled to, within a period not exceeding fourteen days from the date of occurrence.
What are the procedures for registering an employer and an Omani employee working for an employer in one of the GCC countries?
The employer is registered following the same procedures as those followed in the country of employment. Employees are registered according to the procedures in place in that country, provided that the required documents from the employee’s home country are provided (unified form, employment contract, valid ID card).
What are the attachments (documents) required when registering an Omani citizen under the unified social security system?
The documents are:
1.The unified form approved by the pension authority in the country of employment.
2.The employment contract.
3.Valid ID card.
4.Certified salary statement from the date of joining.
What are the attachments (documents) required when terminating the registration of an Omani citizen under the unified social security system?
The documents are:
1.unified termination form
2.The termination decision or its equivalent.
3.Death certificate in case of death.
The total contribution rate is 18.5%, divided as follows:
In cases where the employer’s contribution in the country of employment is less than the required percentage, the employee will be responsible for paying the difference.
Definition of Wage Elements for Contributions:
The wage components used for calculating contributions are defined according to the rules of the country of employment.
The maximum wage subject to contributions under the unified social security system is 3000 Omani Riyals.
Payment Process:
The employer is responsible for making the contributions. These payments must be made within the first 15 days of the month following the month in which the contributions are due. The employer can generate a payment notice (invoice) from the fund’s website:
Account Numbers:
Each employer has a unique virtual account number specified on their payment notice. The system can identify the depositing entity within 24 hours of the deposit.
Customer service call center outside Oman: 9682412377700
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