A social insurance scheme that covers the risks associated with ageing, disability, and non-occupational death.
The old-age pension provides insurance protection to the insured by paying a monthly pension to the insured when he or she reaches the age of 60.
Old age pension is calculated using the following formula:
2% × the average future value of wages × the succeeding period of service starting from the Social Protection Law’s entry into force.
2% ×Last Salary Revalued till date of entitlement × the period of service prior the Social Protection Law’s entry into force
You need to access the personal account in the Social Protection Fund and apply for the pension on the date that the Fund will announce.
The Early retirement pension which is exempted from deduction ratios is available to the insured person: men by the age of 60, women by the age of 55, and upon fulfilment of particular service periods. It intends to pay monthly pensions to beneficiaries. The law sets special conditions for the eligibility of certain categories (persons with disabilities, workers in hazardous and arduous jobs, and those affiliated with the military and security services).
An early retirement pension that is exempted from deduction ratios is calculated in accordance with the above-mentioned old-age pension formula.
Category | Men | Women | Persons with disabilities* | Hazardous and arduous labor ** | Security and military services*** |
Age | 60 | 55 | 50 | 55 for men 50 for women | 55 |
period of service | 15 | 20 |
The early retirement pension subject to deduction ratios offers a monthly income for the insured persons: men who reach the age of 55 and women who reach the age of 50 after the completion of certain service periods. The scheme seeks to pay monthly pensions to the beneficiaries. In addition, the law specifies special conditions for the entitlement of certain categories (those with disabilities, employees in hazardous and arduous occupations, members of military and security services).
An Early retirement pension which is subject to deduction ratios will be calculated in accordance with the above-mentioned old-age pension calculation formula.
The pension is deducted by a rate based on the number of years between the age at the time of application for early retirement and the early age not subject to the deduction ratios.
The rate is 5% for each of the first five years, and 1% for years beyond that.
Category | Men | Women | Persons with disabilities | Hazardous and arduous jobs | Military and Security jobs | All categories* |
Age | 55 | 50 | 45 | Men 50 Woman 45 | 50 | - |
Period of Service | 20 | 20 | 15 | 20 | 20 | 30 |
* All categories are entitled to apply for early retirement subject to deduction ratios after completing thirty (30) years of actual service without regard to age.
The early retirement pension permits the insured persons who have completed at least 20 years at the time when the social protection law is issued on July 23, 2023 to retire at any time (and (seek compensation under their former pension system), provided they have fulfilled all of the conditions of entitlement to the pension set out in its previous pension system by December 31, 2023, by exempting them from the age and the duration of service specified set out in the Social Protection Law.
Highest among
In the event of eligibility, pension under the Social Protection Law based on the foregoing formulas (old-age pension, early retirement pension not subject to deduction ratios, early retirement pension subject to deduction ratios)
Guarantee 1 is calculated on the basis of the pension formula under the previous pension scheme for the duration of prior service and is calculated on the effective date of the Social Protection Law on January 1, 2024.
You need to access the personal account in the Social Protection Fund and apply for the pension on the date that the Fund will announce.
(50% × Relative average of wages*) + (0.5% × years of service), granted that the sum is not less than the old-age pension (without calculating the deduction ratio).
*Relative average wages = [(last reassessed salary × years of service prior to law enforcement)] + (average future value of wages × years of service subsequent to law enforcement) /total years of prior and subsequent service.
In the event that the conditions set out below are not met, the insured person shall be entitled to a pension calculated in accordance with the old-age pension formula without calculating deduction ratios.
You need to access the personal account in the Social Protection Fund and apply for the pension on the date that the Fund will announce .
The “death pension” shall be paid upon the death of the insured person to their beneficiaries who meet the requirements of the benefit specified in the law. The pension shall be distributed evenly to them.
(50% × average relative wage *) + (0.5% × years of service), provided that the sum shall not be less than the old-age pension (without calculating the deduction ratio).
You need to access the personal account in the Social Protection Fund and apply for the pension on the date that the Fund will announce.
Copyright By @spf 2025